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Χάπια Αδυνατίσματος Αποτελεσματικά ή Επικίνδυνα;

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Πολύ συχνά με ρωτάτε αν είναι ασφαλές ή/και αποτελεσματικό να πάρετε ένα χάπι αδυνατίσματος που σας συνέστησε κάποιος γνωστός ή είδατε να διαφημίζεται.

Και μου φαίνεται πολύ λογικό αφού σε όλα τα μέσα ενημέρωσης υπάρχουν διαφημίσεις για σχετικά προϊόντα, ενώ αν κάνετε μία αναζήτηση στο google για χάπια αδυνατίσματος ή λιποδιαλύτες θα δείτε ένα μεγάλο αριθμό σκευασμάτων για μείωση της όρεξης, αύξηση του μεταβολισμού, γρήγορη καύση λίπους κ.α.


Ποια είναι η αλήθεια όμως σχετικά με αυτά τα σκευάσματα, γιατί προωθούνται τόσο πολύ και γιατί δεν απαγορεύονται αν είναι επικίνδυνα;

Ας δούμε μερικά από τα πιο συνηθισμένα προϊόντα αδυνατίσματος που κυκλοφορούν σήμερα στο εμπόριο, τι υποστηρίζεται από τους παρασκευαστές τους, τους κινδύνους τους και γιατί τελικά δεν είναι και τόσο καλή ιδέα να τα πάρετε!

Bitter Orange & Citrus Aurantium: Υποστηρίζεται ότι αυξάνουν το μεταβολισμό, αλλά δεν έχει γίνει καμία έρευνα σε ανθρώπους που να το συμπεραίνει αυτό. Περιέχουν συνεπινεφρίνη η οποία μπορεί να προκαλέσει υπέρταση και καρδιαγγειακή τοξικότητα. Επιπλέον μπορεί να αλληλεπιδράσουν με κάποια φάρμακα.

Χρώμιο ή Chromium: Υποστηρίζεται ότι αυξάνει την απώλεια βάρους και βελτιώνει τη σύσταση του σώματος. Από όλες τις έρευνες που έχουν γίνει μόνο μία έχει δείξει ότι μπορεί να βοηθήσει στην απώλεια βάρους, ενώ όλες οι άλλες έρευνες έχουν συμπεράνει ότι δεν είναι αποτελεσματικό. Υπάρχει σε 2 μορφές, το Trivalent το οποία είναι απαραίτητο για το σώμα και είναι ασφαλές σε δόσεις μέχρι 200μg την ημέρα, και το Hexavalent το οποίο είναι τοξικό και μπορεί να προκαλέσει στομαχικές διαταραχές, έλκος, προβλήματα στα νεφρά και στο συκώτι ακόμα και θάνατο. Προσοχή γιατί μερικά προϊόντα που κυκλοφορούν περιέχουν την τοξική μορφή.

Συζευγμένο Λινολεικό Οξύ ή Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA): Υποστηρίζεται ότι βοηθάει στην απώλεια λίπους αλλά πολύ λίγες έρευνες το αποδεικνύουν, επομένως μπορεί και να μην είναι αποτελεσματικό. Είναι γενικά ασφαλές.

Έφερδρα ή Ephedra/Ephedrine: Μειώνουν την όρεξη και είναι αποδεδειγμένο ότι όταν χρησιμοποιούνται μαζί με καφεΐνη είναι αποτελεσματικά. Προκαλούν υπέρταση και σοβαρά καρδιολογικά προβλήματα, για αυτό και έχουν απαγορευτεί.

7-Keto Dehydroepiandrosterone (7-keto DHEA): Λίγες μικρές έρευνες δείχνουν ότι μπορεί να βοηθήσει στη μείωση του βάρους και του λίπους αυξάνοντας το μεταβολισμό. Περισσότερες έρευνες χρειάζονται για να αξιολογηθεί η ασφάλειά του.

Hydroxycitric Acid (HCA) & Garcinia Cambogia: Υποστηρίζεται ότι βελτιώνουν την καύση του λίπους και μειώνουν την όρεξη. Κάποιες έρευνες δείχνουν ότι όντως έχουν αυτή τη δράση ενώ άλλες πως δεν είναι αποτελεσματικά. Είναι γενικά ασφαλές.

L-Καρνιτίνη ή L-Carnitine: Υποστηρίζεται ότι βοηθά στην απώλεια λίπους αλλά υπάρχουν πολύ λίγα ερευνητικά δεδομένα που να υποστηρίζουν την αποτελεσματικότητά του. Προσοχή χρειάζεται γιατί μπορεί να αλληλεπιδράσει με κάποια φάρμακα.

Dihydroxyacetone (DHA) & Pyruvate: Λίγες μικρές έρευνες δείχνουν ότι μπορεί να συμβάλλουν σε μικρό βαθμό στην απώλεια βάρους, αλλά περισσότερες έρευνες χρειάζονται για να βγουν συμπεράσματα. Μέχρι σήμερα δεν έχουν αναφερθεί παρενέργειες.

Λεκιθίνη, Guar Gum, Psyllium Hulls &Chitosan:Υποστηρίζεται ότι έχουν λιποδιαλυτική δράση αλλά δεν υπάρχουν έρευνες που να το αποδεικνύουν.

Εκχυλίσματα από φασόλια/πράσινο τσάι/μπανάνα, Phaseolus Vulgaris & Chlorogenic Acid: Υποστηρίζεται ότι εμποδίζουν το μεταβολισμό των υδατανθράκων και των σακχάρων, μειώνοντας με αυτό τον τρόπο την θερμιδική πρόσληψη. Οι ισχυρισμοί αυτοί δεν έχουν επιστημονική βάση.

Hoodia Gordonii: Υποστηρίζεται ότι μειώνει την όρεξη, δεν υπάρχουν όμως αρκετά επιστημονικά δεδομένα για την αποτελεσματικότητα του στην απώλεια βάρους. Επιπλέον στην αγορά κυκλοφορούν πολλές απομιμήσεις οι οποίες δεν περιέχουν καν hoodia.

Magnolia Bark, Korean Ginseng, & Chitosan: Τα προϊόντα αυτά υποστηρίζεται ότι μειώνουν την όρεξη και τη λαχτάρα για φαγητό χωρίς όμως να υπάρχουν επιστημονικά στοιχεία που να δείχνουν αυτή τη δράση.

Chromium Picolinate and Garcinia Cambogia: Υποστηρίζεται ότι έχουν λιποδιαλυτική δράση, χωρίς όμως καμία επιστημονική τεκμηρίωση.

Κρέμες και τζελ αδυνατίσματος: Τα προϊόντα αυτά υποστηρίζεται ότι έχουν σαν αποτέλεσμα την απώλεια λίπους στις περιοχές του σώματος που εφαρμόζονται. Οι ισχυρισμοί δεν υποστηρίζονται επιστημονικά.

Η βιομηχανία του αδυνατίσματος είναι μεγάλη με πολλά κέρδη και συμφέροντα για αυτό και υπάρχουν όλα αυτά τα προϊόντα. Σε περίπτωση που σκέφτεστε να πάρετε κάποιο σκεύασμα για αδυνάτισμα ή λιποδιαλύτη ρωτήστε ένα έμπιστο και ενημερωμένο επαγγελματία υγείας προκειμένου να μη ξοδέψετε άδικα τα χρήματα σας!


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    PHILADELPHIA Wide receiver Riley Cooper returned to the Philadelphia Eagles Tuesday after a four-Day excused absence to undergo sensitivity training after he was caught on film yelling a racial cheap packer jerseys slur before a kenny chesney concert.Cooper, in his fourth year out of the university of florida, seemed remorseful during an eight-Minute press conference with the media after the eagles and new england patriots began what will be a three-Day practice routine before friday night's preseason opener. "It's great to be back doing what i love to do, play football,"Cooper said. "I realize being in the nfl you have responsibility to behave on and off the field.I realize that. ""I realize how many people i hurt, how many families i hurt, how many kids i hurt.It's going to be tough.I'm going to live with this every day the rest of my life.It's one of those things you can't let affect your play on the field. "Video of cooper's racial slur surfaced wednesday.He was immediately fined an undisclosed amount by the team, but was not suspended.Ironically, two days earlier he was promoted to the starting lineup after jeremy maclin suffered a season-Ending injury.Last friday, eagles coach chip kelly announced that cooper was given time off to seek counseling.Kelly did not put a timetable on his return.Four days later, he was back at practice and caught two touchdown passes against the patriots' defense. "My concern wasn't how he practiced,"Kelly said after practice. "It's just him with the team itself and to get the chance to make sure he got to talk to every single guy so that they understood how we felt, what he did, and understand that he's truly sorry for what he did. "Cooper said he talked to every one of his teammates, face to face, and apologized. "I told them i don't want you to forgive me.That puts the burden on you.I want it all on me.I apologized,"He said. "They could tell it was from the heart.They know i'm not that kind of person.It feels good to have the support of the guys. "After one of his touchdown passes, he got a chest bump from teammate and fellow wide receiver jason avant, who is an african-American, and high fives from several other teammates. "I took a few days,"He said. "It's been a tough, tough road.I talked to chip.He asked me if i'm ready to come back.I told him i was.I wanted to get back on the field and get back out here with my guys. "Kelly emphasized that since the leave was an excused absence and not a suspension, cooper was able to return once he felt he was ready. "I deferred to who he went to go visit with,"Kelly said. "Again, it wasn't like he was suspended and he had to go through a set of things to come back.We just excused him, because everybody that met with him — and riley himself — felt that he needed to go talk to someone. "Kelly felt that going forward the team is in a good position with cooper"We've got a pretty good pulse on where we are right now,"He said. "Our players have been fantastic with us in terms of feedback, so it's really certainly a situation that, as i said, isn't something that we just kind of put in the back seat and get moving forward.We'll make sure we keep our eyes and ears open and continue to monitor the situation. "That includes owner jeffrey lurie, who issued the following statement, tuesday. "I want to make this clear;The words riley cooper used were totally unacceptable.His words may have been directed at one person but they hurt everyone,"Lurie wrote. "Riley has apologized to the team and community and has made a personal commitment to work hard to try and gain their trust and earn his position on the team. "___NOTES:The practices with new england have allowed eagles safety patrick chung to reunite with teammates from his patriot days.He was drafted by new england in 2009.Wednesday's practice will start at noon edt.Copyright the associated pressmore news featured articlesads by google newslettersrss feedsmobileclickable contenthigh school cheerleader squads take competition floor at kennywood

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    COLUMBIA, S.C. (Ap) — Steve Spurrier has always liked the attention SouthCarolina gets by starting its season on a Thursday night.Having all-America JadeveonClowney on the sidelines, though, guarantees the Gamecocks will get plenty Of attention whenever they play this season. "I told my wife this morning, i was looking at the paper, all the nfl guys are playing this thursday night,"Spurrier said. "Those dadgum guys areCrowding in on our Thursday night TV games. "Don't worry,Coach, your ratings will likely be high among NFL scouts, who'll tune to watchClowney.The 6-Foot-6,274-Pound junior — and presumptive no.1 pick in the next draft — steps on the field for the first time since theOutback Bowl when he sent the helmet Of Michigan runner Vincent Smith flying and turned momentum to the Gamecocks in a33-28 victory.The hype hasn't slowed down since.Clowney's hit won an ESPY for "Best play. "He's met lebron james, been linked to rap mogul jay-Z and isConsidered a legitCandidate to become the first defense-Only player to walk away with the heisman trophy.First, the tar heels.Clowney, Spurrier believes, is eager to show his skills on the field again instead Of hearing about what might hAppen. "Jadeveon, obviously, he and Johnny Football are the two guys the wholeCountry's been talking about.And i think jadeveon's handled it very well,"Spurrier said.The gamecocks are 13-1 at home sinceClowney arrived in2011. NorthCarolina left tackle James Hurst, an all-AtlanticCoastConference player with NFL aspirations Of his own, is the first who'll try and slow down the Gamecocks defensive end. Hurst has watchedClowney on film since January and has patiently fielded question after question about what's in front Of him. "I don't really know if it matters if i'm tired Of talking about him because i know it's going to be a big deal,"Hurst said. "It just keeps reminding me Of how big Of a deal it is, so it's probably a good thing. "5 THINGS TO WATCH1. WELL, THERE'SCLOWNEY:Clowney kept astounding teammates throughout the Offseason.He ran a4.46 second time in the40 yard dash.He toppled a two-Man tackling sled with linemate gerald dixon. And here's a scary proposition —Clowney says he's in the best shApe Of his life. "I used to get tired last year during games a lot.Now, i just got myself really in shape.That's all it was.I am not worried about my game, because my game was all right last year.I was justOut Of shape last year. "Out-Of-shApeClowney had 13 sacks and was the SEC's defensive player Of the year.2. NORTHCAROLINA'S RENNER: Tar Heels quarterback Bryn RennerCould be the best Offensive player on the field. He's thrown52 touchdown passes the past two years and believes he's more adept at runningCoach Larry Fedora's high-Speed offense. Renner hasn't thrown an interception in his last 91 attempts and says he has to get rid Of the ball so quickly, he has no time to worry aboutClowney.3.Acc meets sec: SouthCarolina has had its way with ACC opponents since Steve Spurrier arrived after the2004 season.The gamecocks have won four straight in the palmetto state rivalry series.The gamecocks have gone 8-4 against ACC teams in Spurrier's eight previous seasons, including a21-15 win atChApel Hill the last time they played NorthCarolina.4.New faces in the backfield:Both teams have to break in new tailbacks. SouthCarolina sophomore Mike Davis, the brother Of formerClemson 1, 000-yard rusher James Davis, will get firstCrack at taking over for Marcus Lattimore. Sophomore Romar Morris is atop the depthChart for the Tar Heels after two-Time 1, 000-Yard rusher giovani bernard left for the nfl.5.Spurrier doesn't lose openers: SouthCarolina'sCoach has won his past20College openers dating to his debut season at Florida in 1990. Throw in a pair Of NFL opening victories in2002 and2003 with the Washington Redskins and that streak grows. Spurrier's loneCollege opening loss? To SouthCarolina while he was in his last season as Duke'sCoach in 1989. Spurrier's Blue Devils bounced back to win their third straight over NorthCarolina and take the ACC title. ___Ap Sports Writer Aaron Beard inChApel Hill, N.C. ,Contributed to this report.

    Harris won her first Tony Award for playing Sally Bowles, the confirmed hedonist in I Am a Camera, adapted by John van Druten from Christopher Isherwood s Berlin Stories.The play later became the stage and screen musical cabaret.In her second tony-Winning performance, harris played a much more spiritual character, joan of arc in lillian hellman s adaptation of jean anouilh s the lark.The play had a six-Month run, primarily because of the notices for harris.

    LAWMAKERS CONSULTED.Secretary ofStateJohN kerry has also placed a Number of calls to top members of committees withJurisdictioN iN the matter, iNcludiNg house foreigN affairs chairmaN ed royce, r-Calif., aNd RaNkiNg Democrat Eliot ENgel, D-N.Y.ASpokesmaN for royceSaid that the chairmaN discussed theSituatioN iNSyria with kerry late moNday, but did Not divulge details of the coNversatioN.Kerry also coNNected withSeNate foreigN relatioNs chairmaN bob meNeNdez, d-N.J., as did U.S. Ambassador to the UNited NatioNsSamaNtha Power, while the raNkiNg RepublicaN oN the committee,SeN.Bob corker, r-Tenn. ,Spoke to admiNistratioN officials Numerous times throughout the pastSeveral days, accordiNg to aN aide.SeN.Carl levin, d-Mich. , the chairmaN of theSeNate ArmedServices Committee,Said he was briefed by the admiNistratioN. ANd,SeNior DefeNse DepartmeNt officials have reached out to House ArmedServices ChairmaN Buck McKeoN, R-Calif. , aNd raNkiNg Democrat AdamSmith of WashiNgtoNState to discuss the crisis, accordiNg to committee aides. A coNgressioNalSourceSaid House MiNority Leader NaNcy Pelosi, D-Calif. , was persoNally briefed by NatioNalSecurity AdvisorSusaN Rice lateYesterday . ToNy BliNkeN, the Deputy NatioNalSecurity Advisor, also briefed House Democratic WhipSteNy Hoyer, the No.2 Democrat in the lower chamber, as well as House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, R-Va.

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    When asked about the success former Rays(Such as stephen vogt, elliot johnson, james shields and dane de la rosa)Have had this season against their old team, maddon said, we taught them well.We ve definitely done a nice job of development.The rays hit into a major league-High 30 double plays in august.The rays began monday s game 0-8 this season in the Pacific time zone 0-2 at Arizona, 0-3 at Los Angeles Dodgers and 0-3 at Oakland.
    The Eagles were off that day in December when Danny toted gear around for his fire department buddies.But less than 2 months earlier, he had left the starting lineup with an ankle problem, and then he'd lost his starting job to journeyman jake scott, signed off the street.You're a recent no.1 pick consigned to the bench.Wouldn't you want to spend every extra minute watching tape, perfecting technique, working in the weight room to get bigger and faster?
    The only hope for the Jets is that the defense will play well, they somehow can manufacture a decent running game, and the quarterback--Smith or sanchez(And you'd expect to see them both) --Can manage the game just well enough to give themselves a chance.They have the makings of a solid defense, but a strong running game and solid quarterback play?Not happening.

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